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Phonak Accessories For Hearing Aids

Phonak Accessories For Hearing Aids

Hearing aids aren’t what they used to be, and the accessories are endless. New hearing aid technology now allows your electronic devices to be synced to your hearing aids for the best understanding of noise and over distance, whether you’re listening to...
Audiologists: Who They Are and What They Do

Audiologists: Who They Are and What They Do

Audiology, the science of hearing, is an expanding field that has helped people understand how they hear, and why some things (like high or low pitch noises) are harder or easier for them to hear. But what is an audiologist and what do they do?  At The Hearing Place,...
Ear Wax Blockage and How to Safely Remove It

Ear Wax Blockage and How to Safely Remove It

In modest amounts, earwax, something many of us would rather avoid, is actually rather important. It’s a natural cleanser since it flows outward from the ear canal, collecting dead skin cells, hair, and debris. However, the feeling of an ear wax blockage is not...
Hearing Aid Chargers vs Batteries

Hearing Aid Chargers vs Batteries

What are the differences between a hearing aid charger or hearing aid batteries?  Hearing aids can be life-changing, but they don’t help if they don’t have the battery power they need to keep up with your busy life. Some hearing aids require batteries, and...
How to Care for Your Hearing Aids in the Cold Weather

How to Care for Your Hearing Aids in the Cold Weather

Today’s hearing aids are designed to keep you doing what you love, but there are some environmental factors that might affect their functioning. Cold weather is one of those factors! It can cause some minor issues with your hearing aids, but they can all be cared for...