Noise Protection & Swim Plugs
Many occupations subject the ears to loud noises, which damages hearing over time. Musicians deal with amplified music. Construction workers use loud power tools and/or heavy equipment throughout the day. Wearing the right ear gear helps prevent hearing loss for those who find themselves in noisy environments frequently.
Swimming, while an extremely beneficial exercise for people of all ages, can also be hazardous to your ear canals. That’s why we’re here for you with the best protection to keep water from getting into your ears while swimming.
The Hearing Place offers a wide range of earplugs and hearing devices to provide noise and water protection.

Types of Noise Protection
Musician’s Ear Plugs
The use of musical instruments can be harmful to your hearing. That’s why we provide musicians, band teachers, concert goers, and many other musical enthusiasts with custom and non-custom hearing protection options.
These ear plugs can reduce noise by 20 decibels without distorting sound or speech.
Noise Plugs
Heading to the shooting range? Don’t forget your noise plugs. A single gunshot can cause permanent hearing damage. That’s why our team of hearing experts wants to outfit anyone handing firearms or working with loud machinery with noise plugs.
Electronic ear plugs can improve the surrounding sound so you won’t miss cues from nearby animals, but protect your ears from impulse sounds when firing your gun.
Swim Plugs
Custom swim molds protect your ears by preventing water from entering the ear canal. These customized molds should be used for anyone who frequents the water, such as surfers, kids attending swimming lessons, athletes, and those who frequently get swimmer’s ear. Children with PE tubes, that are placed by a physician, are recommended to wear swim plugs to prevent ear infections.
Benefits to Noise Protection & Swim Plugs
Whether you’re hunting, woodworking, swimming, or working on the floor of a loud factory, there are two major benefits to wearing hearing protection during these tasks: conserving your hearing and preventing hearing loss.
Hearing loss may be inevitable given your circumstances, heredity, and occupation, but the experts at The Hearing Place are here to help ensure your hearing lasts for years to come with our array of noise protection and swim plug products.
Noise Protection & Swim Plug Brands We Carry
The Hearing Place carries an array of noise protection & swim plugs from various manufacturers, including: