Hearing Devices
When you receive a hearing test from us, we use the results from your hearing test and how well you hear in various settings to determine the best setting for your hearing aids. Below are the most common types of hearing aids available today.
Receiver-In-Ear (RIE) Hearing Aids
Discreet yet powerful, receiver-in-ear (RIE), or receiver-in-canal (RIC), hearing aids are the most popular style of hearing aid. These aids sit behind the ear in a small, lightweight plastic case and are available in different models depending on your degree of hearing loss.
Custom Hearing Aids
Custom and in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aid models are made to fit the shape of the ear canal for maximum fit, comfort, and hearing benefit. These aids are made for mild to severe hearing loss and can be fully customized to your skin tone and technology preferences.
Behind-the-Ear (BTE) Hearing Aids
Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids work for all degrees of hearing loss and can be more helpful for severe to profound hearing loss. BTE hearing aids are comfortable and available in different colors, styles, and designs.
Noise Protection & Swim Plugs
Whether your occupation subjects your ears to loud noises or swimming is your preferred sport, wearing the right ear gear can help prevent hearing loss. We offer a wide range of earplugs and hearing devices to provide noise and water protection.
Batteries & Accessories
From assistive listening devices and batteries to bluetooth accessories and customized manufacturer accessories, The Hearing Place carries a wide range of batteries and accessories needed to make your hearing devices perform to their full potential.