Activities for People with Hearing Loss

In general, people who have hearing loss can and do have the same hobbies and enjoy the same activities as those who do not suffer from hearing loss. However, hearing loss can make some interests more difficult especially when these involve background noise. Parties and other social events can be frustrating and less enjoyable for those struggling to hear and communicate with others.

Hopefully, for that person with hearing loss, he or she has worked alongside a hearing care provider to still be able to participate in these situations. The right set of hearing aids that have been programmed correctly and advice to ensure good communication strategies can make all the difference. These patients may still enjoy large social gatherings, outings to restaurants, sporting events, and more noisy environments that can otherwise be challenging.
With this in mind, some patients that are affected by hearing loss may choose hobbies and activities that are of a quieter nature. Here are some examples that can be tailored for engaging those with hearing loss.

Museums, Zoos and Aquariums

These places all have visual information presented together with the exhibit. Whether it is a painting or sculpture or an animal that is being showcased, a placard accompanies it so attendees can read the information. Some of these activities may have tour guides or recorded information that is not always easy to hear but having the written material can be just as enjoyable. These places also tend to be quieter in nature so conversing with friends or family is much more manageable.

Movies and Live Performances

This type of entertainment might not seem like an obvious choice but there are systems in place to assist those with hearing difficulties. Movie theaters provide captioning systems so that patrons can read the text along with the movie in real-time. These systems have improved exponentially and are not as cumbersome as they used to be. In fact, some simply just fit in the cup holder of your chair and are see-through so viewers can still see the screen without much interruption. Auditoriums hosting live performances may have systems built-in to help those with hearing loss. Ask about telecoil systems and loop systems that may be compatible with the building’s devices or your own hearing aids.

Other Options

Some hobbies do not require any communication and can be participated in regardless on one’s hearing ability. Consider the activities below:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Arts (painting, sculpture, etc.)
  • Crafts (knitting, sewing, wreaths, etc.)
  • Meditation
  • Photography
  • Scrapbooking
  • Gardening
  • Exercise (yoga, taped programs, etc.)
  • DIY Projects (home improvement or decorating)

There are many hobbies to choose for people with or without hearing loss. It’s good for overall health to stay active and engaged in many different types of activities to keep your brain and body functioning well.